Surprise your kids on Valentine’s Day with these unique ideas!!

February is the month of love. With all the excitement of celebrating this love and affection, why leave the kids behind? Though kids are undoubtedly pampered all throughout the year, some extra love on these special occasions leaves a positive impression of happy memories on young minds. The surprises don’t need to be big in order for them to bring joy.
Fortunately, we have made it easier for you to do so with a curated list of activities filled with fun ideas that can be cherished forever.
Surprise them with affirmations
Words have immense power. Start their day with words of encouragement, love, positivity and compliments. We bet they are going to smile so big and set a tone of love and laughter for the entire day.
Post sticky notes on their wall, or leave notes in their school bag, or lunch box. Compliments like: ‘Take note, You are loved a lot’, ‘I Love you to the moon and back’, ‘You are my sunshine’, ‘I believe in you’, ‘We are so proud of you’, ‘Keep smiling and shining’. With cute graphics or doodles of hearts, smileys or even add their favourite stickers to make things colourful.

Decorate a room with flowers
Who said flowers are only for your romantic partners? Surprise your kids by welcoming them home after school with a pretty bunch of flowers, real or if you are feeling crafty, even handmade with paper. This is bound to make them feel super special and loved.
Art and craft activities
Does your child enjoy their time with art supplies? Then this one’s for you. The idea of making cards is always a classic for the little ones. Check out these fun crafted cards to make with your artsy little ones.

Heart shaped cakes, chocolates or cookies
Make your day sweeter with some sweets. What can be better than cakes, chocolates and some cookies? Bake one or get it from a bakery, but the delight on the face of your kid will be the real treat to watch!
Read books together
Reading is such a great activity and a wonderful habit to inculcate in kids. Apart from their academics, they love listening to stories. Here are a few handpicked books that aim to instill the emotion of love in your little munchkins.
- Love makes a family
- Llama llama I love you
- Tiny T.Rex and the Perfect Valentine
- Luna finds love everywhere

Gift them something thoughtful
Kids love exploring new things and what can be better than introducing them to positive values at such a tender age! You can give an indoor plant and ask them to water the plant as per the requirement. Introduce them to stationery items like diary, sticker books in which they can pen their thoughts. You can make their clothing also fun by giving Interactive garments by See Sow with which kids can meditate, colour their emotions and also practice affirmations.
Check the collection at https://seesowkids.com/

Enroll them for a special playdate
There are many kids activity centers and schools which host many interesting playdates for kids. You can enroll them for any such event happening in your city and let them explore and polish their skills while making the best out of the day. If you are in the city of Ahmedabad, Gujarat; check out our upcoming special playdate for kids on Self- Love.
Registrations are open, however the seats are limited-

“Let’s spread love, but first begin with Self- Love!”